Sunday, October 14, 2007

The wALTer project and the Online Learning Knowledge Garden

"While preachers preach of evil fates ... Teachers teach that knowledge waits " - Bob

Piers MacLean and Bernard Scott from Cranfield University have started the new JISC funded wALTer project. Apparently "wALTer is designed to produce a single web service to support e-learning professionals in practice and in achieving professional recognition. The creation and maintenance of a repository to support e-learning professionals is coincidentally an objective of each partner organisation. The On-line Learning Knowledge Garden at Cranfield University, OLKG, ( and ALT-J pre-prints and post-prints' will be incorporated, developed and extended in this resource. I have to admit I am fond of the OLKG as I was involved in its first incarnation a fair few years ago.

wALTer will also investigate how Web2 technologies can be in-built to support professional communities and to build knowledge resources as the sector adopts new ways of working with network technologies." Others involved are Gayle Calverley and Jim Petch of the University of Manchester, Rhonda Riachi and Seb Schmoller, The Association for Learning Technology, Oxford Brookes University.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your link for the Online Learning Knowledge Garden failed to load for me, but works.