Research Communities was a business unit of iDesk which was lead by Pernille Rudlin.
Research Communities applied intelligent tools to tame the web and help learners to optimize their research time. Specifically, it contained Research Assistant, an AI tool with the following functions:
A wizard to help the learner construct an appropriate research question in one or more natural languages.
An agent performing deep stochastic searches across the web to locate relevant documents.
A multilingual summarizer providing a personalised precis of each document thus enabling the learner to assess which documents to retrieve and read in full.
A highlighter facilitating rapid scanning of documents by generating hyperlinks to content that matches the learner’s interests.
A report generator that collated the research findings in a learner specified language and ranking.
The output of these tools seamlessly integrated with a learning portfolio and collaborative learning tools.
The Research Communities portfolio could be customized to meet the specific needs of learners, educationalinstitutions and professional bodies. The portfolio enabled the learner to:
List actions and due dates they have generated or agreed with a tutor, mentor or peers.
Integrate completed research and evidence of reflection into a formal report for a tutor, mentor or processional body.
Upload personal documents and relate these to particular action points or existing learning materials.
Entries in the learning portfolio could remain private or be shared with other learners.
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